Monday, May 02, 2005

Wow! I feel so honoured, like thanks.

Memphis Steve did my horoscope for me on his blog. I didn't know I was going to get my own post I thought he would just email me something.

Funny stuff


Anonymous said...

OMG that was so cool! So, tell us ... is it true? LOL

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Yes, do tell! I'm a goat myself and was going to request my very own but I want to know how "on the mark" he is.

(I popped on over from his blog, by the way....:)

Memphis said...

I couldn't resist, especially after you asked. Plus, with all those photos of you making different faces it was a blast.

And now that I know Stacy the Peanut Queen's sign ...

mcgibfried said...

5qy9apa qha....

sorry.. i started typing off the "home row."

and now i forgot what i was going to tell you...


Robin Alexa said...

Kim & Stacey It's pretty accurate actually!

Memphis Steve - lol.

mcgibfried - ar0p013[pj