HSBF: Do you like Sabbath or anything like that ?
Me: I love Black Sabbath.
HSBF: Why are you up so late young lady?
Me: I wore a Randy Rhodes tshirt at Elgin don't you remember? ha ha
Me: Rhoads.
Me: Oh wait, he wasn't Black Sabbath he was just with Ozzy, whatevs. :)
Me: I am always up late.
Me: Rhoads.
Me: Oh wait, he wasn't Black Sabbath he was just with Ozzy, whatevs. :)
Me: I am always up late.
HSBF: you cannot "whatevs. " Randy Rhoades !!!! lol
HSBF: Yeah , I remember lol some how. I mostly remember your skirt and stalking look. And your amazing regard for music.
Me: Whatevs.
Me: Awwwww really how cool. I remember going to your house after school and making out on your couch. lol.
Me: I also had bleached skin tight jeans with holes.
HSBF: I'm pretty sure it was my parents couch ... I didn't have a couch until 1994 lol.
Me: Wait????? Stalking look??????????? What?
HSBF: Did I spell 'stalking' wrong ? lmao !
HSBF: Tights ? leotards ? Whatever the fuck it was , you looked great !
Me: lol ya, stockings are tights, stalking is being a predator. haaaaaaaaa
Me: And thank you kind sir. ;)
Me: And thank you kind sir. ;)
HSBF: LOL , no problem , you cornered the market , everyone else was wearing track pants or something.