Monday, February 12, 2007

I think that invite only feature could be fun. There are a lot of people that I don't want invited to my net party anymore. Not you guys, you guys are aces.


Ophelia Mourne said...


Joe said...

Shoot. Now I'm going to have to check my mailbox to see when you un-invite me.

tkkerouac said...

I tried to leave you a comment about "the Secret" on oprah the other day but your blog had up and left.

Sassy said...

Like an exclusive party?
Will there be Johnny Depp look-alike strippers (complete with pirate garb)?

Sassy said...

Did I miss The Secret on Oprah?!?!?!

Marianna said...

Oh dammit! The Secret was on Oprah??


Osbasso said...

Oprah uses Secret? Not her own brand?

Patiently awaiting my invite!

Shadowdog said...

Thanks for the invite to your super secret blog! I still think you outta post here once in a while so these people won't realize your real blog is somewhere else.


Anonymous said...

I think you miss out on the coolest people when it's invite only. (like me for instance) But yeah I understand the creep factor too.

JaG said...

I'm aces?? OOh, thank you!!

Tish said...

I always get a little worried when I see people from my hometown spending long periods of time on my blog. Since I'm now "invite only" I don't have to worry about that, but you miss out on the random people (who could turn out to be friends) who somehow find their way to your blog. Once I get rid of my blog stalker, maybe I'll go public again.

Have a great night!

Princess Pointful said...

Now I feel like a bit of an ass, because I just randomly found your blog and posted a comment before reading this.

Unknown said...

would overworked blog-slackers like me qualify for an invite?

Honest... I've been very pressed... only have time to work, play music, edit video, make disks to send to friends in Iraq, play with the cats occasionally, write songs, pay bills, get questioned by the police about my whereabouts on October 21st, and then work some more...

oh, and the occasional hour or two of sleep I squeeze in there.

Does it count that I chose to spend a few minutes to visit? Huh? Does it, huh? You smart, young blogger you... :)