Saturday, September 23, 2006

So the magazine with my photographs came out yesterday.

Yeah, you would think that's great and shit.

Well except that I forgot the golden rule:

If you don't do it yourself then it is going to be fucked up beyond recognition.

Or as my mother so sensitively put it when I told her I was upset, "If it isn't exactly how Robin wants it then it is a big problem." Yeah, I LOVE when my mother speaks to me, about me, in the third person. It warms the cockles of my heart, and the sub-cockles as my boyfriend Denis Leary would say.

Anyway, I send these motards (a.k.a. the editors/publishers) my pictures, with descriptions of each one. Easy right? Well yeah you would think. However, rather than publishing my descriptions they used the NAME OF THE JPEGS. Yeah. You know how you name your pictures silly things just so you can remember them? Like the picture of the frog they published said FROGGY beside it like my five year old (if I had a five year old) named it. And I'm sure the COOL 3 title of the fence said to the readers 'She's simple and special, in the hockey helmet, short school bus sorta way - but she seems to have an eye for photography. She's like an idiot savant. Nice!'

Oh and then I guess they thought they would take a little creative licence and name one of my close up pictures ABSTRACT. Yeah close up, abstract, whatever.

22,000 issues distributed in the new town I live in.

I'm moving.


Schadeboy said...

I'm sorry, Binsk. That really bites. I hate it when stupid people get in the way of brilliance, don't you?

If it's any consolation, I got a new puppy, today. I have pictures of her on my blog. You can come on over and look at 'em and go "oh, so cute!" and stuff.

She's a Great Dane. A lot like the one in your background, except without the spots and stuff. Or the swearing.

Osbasso said...

Hey--we still love ya, even if you're riding the short bus.

Are you really moving??

Raymi Lauren said...

AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA thats shitty but pretty funny.

Marianna said...

So. Where are we moving to???

That sucks, gal. You know, I'm sure you have 22,000 bloggy friends. We could all go buy a magazine & get it off the shelves for you...


JaG said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, they didn't give you a chance to see proofs before it went to press? That's something to insist on, when it's your work they're presenting. Tell your Mom that you have a right to be exacting when it is your reputation. There is no shame in that.

After ten years in print design, the only things I have really learned are:
1) Never underestimate the stupidity of others.
2) Great work that you have spent hundreds of hours on can easily be ruined in the last 30 minutes.
3) Nothing goes to press without my initials on the proof.

I'm so sorry about what happened to you. I know how bitter it is, believe me. Countless times it has happened to me, in spite of the rule #3. If I bend it for anyone, I invariably get fucked over.

Tawcan said...

Stumbled onto this site, just thought I'd say hi.

kalipornia said...

dude totally sucks. omg froggy and cool 3. i would kill.

zuzula said...

oh god, that sucks... I've been on both sides here. It's so annoying when you know you've fucked up, and so infinitely more annoying when someone else has fucked up on your behalf. Gggrr. They're probably really pissed off too. I think you should call 'em. and write a letter for the letters page.

Joe said...

Far be it from me to argue with your mom, but you seem to have a point on this one.

Sassy said...

bunch of incompetent fools...

don't worry. I'm usually on the short bus. I'll share my seat with you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah ... fucked up but still? you're published so in the words of Carl Spackler, you got that going for you. Congrats hun.

jkirlin said...

Gah! That is why when people suggest I ought to have my photos published I say, "I do, motards, on my freaking BLOG that I can control and people actually look at at other time besides when they are waiting in the Doctor's office thumbing through germ covered old magazines of local flavor..."

Actually, I've never said the motard part but I'm going to now. They'll hate me for it and I'll blame you.

I once had a local rag called 'Bangor Metro'(sexual) email and ask if they could use a photo of a local inn but that they usually pay little to nothing for photos. So I'm like...that's cool motards (Well without know) you can use it. Well then I get the magazine and they used it as AD COPY!!!

They don't pay for photos they use in ADS? Guess who made money? Everyone but me. So now I bad mouth them every chance I get. Like her.

Quit reading Bangor Metro(sexual)!

I just had to get that off my chest.

Nome said...

Oh that's fucked. People are idiots. Have you tried informing them about it? They can't fix it if it's gone to press already, but they can put some neat little text box in the next issue with the corrections. I realise it doesn't make much of a difference, but it's something...

Memphis said...

I know how you feel. It's great that you got published, but editors have a way of taking creative license with EVERYTHING. Back in college I had a lot of stuff I did published, but they would always screw with it until I was pissed off. I think that's the whole point, really, just to piss off the writer, artist, and or photographer.

Anonymous said...

Oh hey, I've tried to comment a few times, but the work computer has been giving me fits...

I'm so sorry to hear about the fuck-up on the picture titles. That totally sounds like something that would happen to me. I've just learned to assume that most people can't find their ass with both hands, and try to make everything "idiot proof" before I hand it over to them. I can't even tell you how many times it took me to learn this...

mcgibfried said...

man, that was a lot of reading i just did to catch up.

and, at your urging..
i actually posted!

clara* said...

gack! i totally understand your frustration. that would piss me off too. on the other hand you DO have some photos published. which is always good.

Rusty said...

Hah, found the edge of the world and fell off eh?

I know that game...

Tish said...

Your boyfriend Denis Leary?? Damnit, I just knew he was cheating on me! ;)

Denis Leary is my hero. Best comedian ever, and I just LOVE Rescue Me!

Robin Alexa said...
