Saturday, August 05, 2006

Is it too much to ask for people to shut the fuck up until at least 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning?

I know it's a beautiful day but do we all have to start enjoying it as soon as you and your selfish face are up?

And to the crow who screeched like your head was on fire this morning at 6 a.m. I am getting a bb gun.

I'm going to the farmer's market now. I love farmer's markets.


Osbasso said...

Buy some zucchini!

(I just like typing zucchini...)

the Wootang said...

farmer's markets ARE cool. the one in ocean beach, san diego is rad because they also have llamas. and you can ride them!

Marianna said...

I used to love the farmer's market in Italy. It was always so fresh & inviting. We don't have that here in Texas... BAH!


kalipornia said...

pellet gun

Sassy said...

Can I borrow the bb gun for the neighbour who cuts his grass at 6:30?
Yes I said 6:30. Gah.

~grey said...

don't ya just hate those crows...

have too many of them here too.

OOOhhh I love the farmers market!