Sunday, December 11, 2005

Can anybody tell me the end of the limerick "There once was a girl from Nantucket"? I swear I've only ever heard the first line. Maybe it only has one line. Really I'm serious, I need to know.

Does anyone know if those Lindor chocolates have crack cocaine in them? There's gotta be something. I don't even eat a lot of chocolate (I prefer cheeseburgers) but if you put a bowl of those things in front of me I would eat them until I exploded.

Ty the eagle has landed.

And one more thing. Do you ever think about parallel blogging circles? Where there's another you, and another me, and another one of all of our favourite bloggers?

I bet we're better.


Gareth said...

The best known (and rather old) clean version:

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.

The best known dirty version:

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose **** was so long he could suck it.
While wiping his chin,
He said with a grin,
"If my ear was a ****, I could f**k it."

Leesa said...

I'd never heard the full verse either.
I love lindor chocolates..they are addictive!
We're definitely better in this universe :)

Anonymous said...

I only heard the Dirty version but in my version two lines were swapped.

He said with a grin
As he wiped of his chin


Rik said...

I know we're better...and Tommy Gun is right.

Anonymous said...

i'm that way with Ferrero Rocher :)

Anonymous said...

Well, while we are in that mode...

There once was a lady from Maltese,
Who sat on a pair of false teeth.
She cried with a start,

Damn I love limericks! Have a great week!

Marianna said...

LOL ~ I feel so smart now that I know the dirty version of that limerick...


I'm better off knowing I have my bloggy circle of friends!


CozyMama said...

Lindor chocolates are soooooooo good, dang I need one now!! my hr dept was giving themn out to our clients, i so wanted to steal some.

Schadeboy said...

I never knew the dirty version of that limerick. Now that I do, I find I could have lived well enough the rest of my life without knowing it.

I also never knew how the clean version went. Now that I do, I find that my life is no more or less stimulated for it. Sorry to be a downer about it, but I guess that's more or less my mood right now.

As for the chocolates, I can't say that I've even heard of Lindor. Godiva, yes, but not Lindor. Sorry.

I, too, prefer cheeseburgers. Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburgers from Jack in the Box. Can't really beat that one.

Kim said...

Mmmm...Lindt milk chocolate truffle balls...sooo good.

Anonymous said...

MMMmmmmmm... Lindor! I love the dark chocolate version, and I think they really do put crack in it. I got hooked 16 years ago while living in Switzerland. I seriously lived on that stuff for a while.

I've only heard the dirty version of the Nantucket limerick.

As far as parallel blogging circles... Maybe. But we're the original recipe here. Much more fun.

Anonymous said...

What about the rest of "There once was a girl from Regina"? You Canadians should know that one. I don't.

Robin said...

You got your own logo now? Damn, you've arrived.

Paul said...

We're way better.

wopanese said...

There once was a woman from Reeling
Who had a peculiar feeling
On her back she did lay
And then went to play
And came all over the ceiling

A woman from North Carolina
Strung fiddle strings cross her vagina
she laid on her back
put a bow to her crack
and played Tocatta and Fugue in D minor

A chocolate lover from China
Put Godiva into her vagina
It got messy quite soon
right there in her poon
And decided that Lindor'd be finer

Okay, so I made that last one up just now... best I could do on short notice.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! That was just the sort of mind distraction I needed this Tuesday afternoon at work. Wow - alternate blogger realms.


Me thinks its time for beer!

Anonymous said...

There once was a girl from Nantucket
(a couple lines I can't remember)

If she would only sit still he would fuck it.

You said you wanted the end. Unfortunately the end is the only part I remember. But the end is the best part right?

Or is that Butt the end?