Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I cannot take one minute of this Federal "election" that is going on in Canada. You know that they are all liars. You know that the Liberals will win again for some stupid Ontario reason. You know that nothing will change.


How many more times do we have to see some guy dressed up in a light blue hospital outfit strangling a chicken? Fuck you media. We don't need your hysteria.


If you can't pick up your feet when you are walking, consider gluing your shoes to your feet, because the rest of us do not want to hear you shuffling around the Home Depot.


How can a person with NO fruit in their house have a swarm of fruit flies?


I just heard this morning that a guy in Toronto was let off of a rape (aggravated sexual assault) charge because he suffered from sexsomnia. Yep, he was sleep raping, and that is not a crime apparently.


Scott & Julia said...

Yaaaah Ontario...we love the devil we know...much more than the devil we don't. 1 million dollars..gawd...when will we be pissed about government mishandling of some REAL money.

Rik said...

You sexy little bitch!
Is that sunlight?

JTL said...

1. My friends and I have batted around ideas for changing straight-up Rep By Pop... make it some sort of sliding scale where it's a mix of that, plus a bit of proportional representation. And yes, my friends and I are politics geeks.

1a. Get ready for another Liberal minority, but with an NDP balance of power. You heard it here first.

2. Apparently a lot of times. Yay, avian flu!

3. My mom told me when I was about 9 to stop shuffling my feet. Ever since then, anyone who does drives me up the wall.

4. I have the odd one here, too.

Nice boobs.

Anonymous said...

It really is time for a change of government in Canada. The Liberals need a LONG vacation for stealing our money in Adscam and all that. Anyways, cheers!

Osbasso said...

So how do you REALLY feel??

It's a little heartwarming to see another country's politics as screwed up as ours. Sort of makes us one big happy family!

Referring to your comment on mine--I know full well that you comment alot on mine. Yes, there is a prize, but Addict says that any prizes have to be hand delivered, since hers went so well! We'll come up with a date....

CozyMama said...

not a crime because he was sleeping, omg!!! That is so wrong, he should fry.

Anonymous said...

Binsk, baby:

1. Ah feel yor pain!

2. What's up with the chicken choker? I guess I don't watch enough TV.

3. Shufflers. There oughta be a law.

4. Houseplants or flowers.

5. WTF??? This world gets crazier all the time! Now maybe if he shuffled while he sleep-raped, people would hear him and be able to get away...

Anti-Blogger said...

Maybe the person is a fruit. Just a thought.

Also, I have chosen NOT to participate in Canadian elections.

[].ragko said...


I assume you fell down.

The Hatleyman said...

Is it possible to sleep rape yourself? If so, I am guilty on many levels...oh, and I thought Canada was the land of beer and all that is funny? CAN YOU STOP THE MADNESS?

sinner said...

note to self: don't piss the lady off. nice pic

Memphis said...

In the U.S. they let a woman off who superglued her ex-husbands genitals and butt just because she could. They didn't actually have an excuse for letting her off. They just figured since the victim was male no one would say anything.

I hate elections and political ads. It's enough to make you turn off the TV and start catching up on all the magazines piling up on the floor beside you. Wait, that might just be me doing that.

Where the hell did all the moths in my house come from?! I swear you'd think we left the door open and the lights on for 3 weeks or something. The more I kill the more there are.

Marianna said...

You freakin' Canadians always have the COOLEST stories! Chicken strangling? Come on! That's the kind of shit that happens down here in Tex-Ass! lol..

I laughed my arse off on Osbasso's comment too...

And that's one shhhhexxxy pic, hot mama.

Is that a prelude to HNT? Cuz you're fab.


Leesa said...

Love the venting! Just let it all go girl.
Great pic too.

Rusty said...

Haha, sexsomnia? That's so ridiculous.

So ridiculous that I...

*makes mental notes*

Shinta said...

Sexomnia? I didn't even know there's such thing!

Nice pic. Can't wait til Thursday eh?

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Robin said...

I love the new pic! Is this an early HNT, or are we getting a double helping of Binsk this week?

Neo said...

Binsk - Oh my! That made my night thanks.

On the Canada Election deal, yeah it is pretty weak. You're right, they ALL lie. Nothing changes. I guess someone just wanted to shake the tree.


tara said...

I, too, have been pondering the same fruitfly phenomenom. My only conclusions as to it can be that fruitflys possess no logic and therefore do not act logically.

Now, as to the Ontarian partiality to the Liberal party...

Matt said...

I agree the whole election is fucked... it'll probably be another liberal minority... then again there's no real issues an no real leader in the bunch other than Paul Martin... and he sucks at that.

As to the guy getting off on sexomania, that's soo wrong, but if you're asleep and truely asleep... can you really be liable for what you do?

HS said...

Oh my, I totally agree with your angst...especially our damn Canadian politics.

Lets start our own political party...I bet we'd get some votes! :)

Naughty K said...

Great pics as usual....
Happy HNT

BUMBLE!!! said...

You knew that at some point, the US politics would rub off on Canada. It was bound to happen, so just rejoice in the fact that maybe some day it will get better again. Maybe. If enough people get visibly and vocally tired of the shit.

Happy HNT>

Some Random Girl said...

sexsomnia? are you f'ing kidding me? is that his twinkie defense? so stupid! I swear! To hell in a handbasket...

Robin Alexa said...

Tescosuicide you are returnolinked.

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely disgusting. I haven't heard about this at all. Was it an article you read?

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wopanese said...

Sexsomnia. What in the..?

I guess this will lead to

Murdersomnia, or the lesser offense of Manslaughtersomnia - also known as Killsomnia.
Bullshitsomnia - ie. being a politician

Anonymous said...

Ya, cuz Harper and the CPC are soooooo much of a viable alternative to the Liberals (Don't get me started on the NDP).
Ack for god sake, Harper has as much charisma as a thumb-tack......he makes Al Gore look like a ham.
