Thursday, December 16, 2004

High Maintenance

This morning, the woman behind me in the line of the drive-thru at Tim Horton's ordered a medium half decaf coffee-half hot chocolate and a large regular coffee with a little hot water to top it up and 2 sugars and 1 and a half creams. OMG. If I worked at Tim Horton's I could only handle one or two of those orders before I threw my beige visor on the floor and ran screaming from the place.


Robin M said...

Hahaha! People are so stupid. Does she not know that she's probably getting just as much caffeine from the hot chocolate as she would from regular coffee? And a HALF a cream?! Come ON people! Sheesh. I love s'notroH miT. But I could definitely never work there either.

Robin Alexa said...

Exactly...I'm glad you think she's ridiculous too!